Income Tax Calculators.
Tax and Finance Calculators

We hope you found the Jamiaca Tax Calculator useful, this site now provides historical tax calculations only, please use the Jamaica 2025 Tax Calculator to calculate income tax in Jamaica for 2025

Jamaica Income Tax Calculators 2023/24

Jamaica Tax Calculator 2023/24 [ Income and Expenditure for Salary per Annum ]

How to calculate income tax using the Jamaican tax calculator

  1. Enter your Employement income per Annum (this will provide a salary package value when including NHT, NIS etc.).
  2. Select the desired Income tax calculation results.
  3. [Optional] select Advanced to access the advanced income tax options and alter the default Jamaica tax calculator setting.
    1. Select a tax year to apply specific tax table rates published by the Jamaica Tax Office
    2. Add any additional income received from a source other than your employer
    3. Select and edit other relevant tax factors
  4. Change the tax year to compare your current salary against previous years income tax calculations.
Calculator Settings