We hope you found the Jamiaca Tax Calculator useful, this site now provides historical tax calculations only, please use the Jamaica 2025 Tax Calculator to calculate income tax in Jamaica for 2025
Welcome to the new and improved Jamaican Tax Calculator. We have refined the design and coding structure to better suite cross platform support and make your tax calculations quicker and easier to complete.
The Jamaica Income Tax Calculator provides calculation of salary associated taxes with the minimum of fuss.
The tax calculator will produce a full tax calculation based on just your salary. This makes the Jamaica Tax calculator a great tool for comparing salaries when looking at new or comparative jobs in other companies, markets or industries.
The income tax calculator includes advanced tax calculations which allow you to include pension deductions, add age related tax allowances and more.
Once you have entered your details, you can then select what type of tax calculation you would like to produce. For example, you may want to see the full calculations that are used to calculate your salary or you may want to see how much it costs your employer to employ you. There are several outputs available and we can add new layouts on request (payslip for example).
The Jamaica Income Tax Calculator is an organic tool that is refined to suit our users (YOU) needs. If you would like a new feature or additional tax information or outputs added to the tax calculator, simply contact us and we add the feature onto the tool. There are no charges for the changes, our aim is to make our tax calculators work for our community, your help and support is all we ask in return. The Jamaica Tax Calculator is developed and maintained by the team at iCalculator, you can find tax calculators for alternate countries there.